The following rules and regulations have been formulated for the safety and well- being of all tenants and visitors of the Building. Strict adherence to these rules and regulations is necessary to guarantee that every tenant and their visitors will enjoy a safe and undisturbed occupancy of its premises.

  1. Tenant shall not obstruct or encumber or use for any purpose other than ingress and egress to and from the Premises any sidewalk, entrance, passage, court, elevator, vestibule, stairway, corridor, hall or other part of the Building not exclusively occupied by Tenant. No bottles, parcels or other articles shall be placed, kept or displayed on window ledges, in windows or in corridors, stairways or other public parts of the Building. Tenant shall not place any showcase, mat or other article outside the Premises.
  2. Tenant shall not attach, hang or use in connection with any window or door of the Premises any drape, blind, shade or screen, without Landlord's prior written consent.
  3. All awnings, drapes projections, curtains, blinds, shades, screens and other fixtures shall be of a quality, type, design and color, and shall be attached in a manner, approved in writing by Landlord. Any Tenant-supplied window treatments shall be installed behind Landlord's standard window treatments so that Landlord's standard window treatments will be what are visible to persons outside the Building. Drapes (whether installed by Landlord or Tenant) which are visible from the exterior of the Building shall be cleaned by Tenant at least once a year, without notice from Landlord, at Tenant's own expense.
  4. Tenant shall not construct, maintain, use or operate within the Premises any electrical device, wiring or apparatus in connection with a loudspeaker system or other sound system, in connection with any excessively bright, changing, flashing, flickering or moving light or lighting device, or in connection with any similar device or system, without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant shall not construct, maintain, use or operate any such device or system outside of its Premises or within such Premises so that the same can be heard or seen from outside the Premises. No flashing, neon or search lights shall be used which can be seen outside the Premises.
  5. Tenant shall not bring any bicycle, vehicle, animal, bird or pet of any kind into the Building, except seeing-eye or hearing-ear dogs for handicapped persons visiting the Premises.
  6. Tenant shall not cook or permit any cooking on the Premises, except for microwave cooking and use of coffee machines by Tenant’s employees for their own consumption. Tenant shall not install any microwave oven or coffee machine in the Premises without Landlord’s prior written approval of such equipment and its location within the Premises. Tenant shall not cause or permit any unusual or objectionable odor to be produced upon or emanate from the Premises.
  7. Tenant shall not make any unseemly or disturbing noise or disturb or interfere with occupants of the Building.
  8. Tenant shall not place on any floor a load exceeding the floor load per square foot which such floor was designed to carry. Landlord shall have the right to prescribe the weight, position and manner of installation of safes and other heavy equipment and fixtures. Landlord shall have the right to repair at Tenant’s expense any damage to the Premises or the Building caused by Tenant’smoving property into or out of the Premises or due to the same being in or upon the Premises or to require Tenant to do the same. Tenant shall not receive into the Building or carry in the elevators any safes, freight, furniture, equipment or bulky item except as approved by Landlord, and any such furniture, equipment and bulky item shall be delivered only through the designated delivery entrance of the Building and the designated freight elevator at designated times. Tenant shall remove promptly from any sidewalk adjacent to the Building any furniture, furnishing, equipment or other material there delivered or deposited for Tenant.
  9. Tenant shall not place additional locks or bolts of any kind on any of the doors or windows, and shall not make any change in any existing lock or locking mechanism therein, without Landlord's prior written approval.
  10. Tenant shall keep doors leading to a corridor or main hall closed at all times except as such doors may be used for ingress or egress and shall lock such doors during all times the Premises are unattended.
  11. Tenant shall, upon the termination of its tenancy: (a) restore to Landlord all keys and security cards to stores, offices, storage rooms, toilet rooms, the Building and the Premises which were either furnished to, or otherwise procured by, Tenant, and in the event of the loss of any keys so furnished, Tenant shall pay the replacement cost thereof; and (b) inform Landlord of the combination of any lock, safe and vault in the Premises. At Landlord’s request, a charge of three dollars ($3.00) per key shall be paid for all keys in excess of two (2) for each public entrance door to the Premises. Tenant's key system shall be consistent with that for the rest of the Building.
  12. Tenant shall not install or operate in the Premises any electrically operated equipment or machinery without obtaining the prior written consent of Landlord. Landlord may condition such consent upon Tenant's payment of additional rent in compensation for the excess consumption of electricity or other utilities and for the cost of any additional wiring or apparatus that may be occasioned by the operation of such equipment of machinery. Tenant shall not install any equipment of any type or nature that will or may necessitate any changes, replacements or additions to, or changes in the use of, the water system, heating system, plumbing system, air-conditioning system or electrical system of the Premises or the Building, without obtaining Landlord's prior written consent, which consent may be granted or withheld in Landlord’s sole and absolute discretion. If any machine or equipment of Tenant causes noise or vibration that may be transmitted to such a degree as to be objectionable to Landlord or any tenant in the Building, then Landlord shall have the right to install at Tenant’s expense vibration eliminators or other devices sufficient to reduce such noise and vibration to a level satisfactory to Landlord or to require Tenant to do the same.
  13. Landlord reserves the right to exclude from the Building at all times any person who does not properly identify himself to the Building management or attendant on duty. Landlord shall have the right to exclude any undesirable or disorderly persons from the Building at any time. Landlord may require all persons admitted to or leaving the Building to show satisfactory identification and to sign a register.
  14. Tenant shall not permit or encourage any loitering in or about the Premises and shall not use or permit the use of the Premises for lodging, dwelling or sleeping.
  15. Tenant, before closing and leaving the Premises at any time, shall see that all windows are closed and all lights and equipment are turned off, including, without limitation, coffee machines.
  16. There shall not be used in any space, or in the public halls of the Building, either by any tenant or by jobbers or others in the delivery or receipt of merchandise, any hand trucks, except those equipped with rubber tires and side guards.
    Tenant shall be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any deliveries made by or for Tenant.
  17. Tenant shall not install or permit the installation of any wiring for any purpose on the exterior of the Premises.
  18. Tenant acknowledges that it is Landlord's intention that the Building be operated in a manner which is consistent with the highest standards of cleanliness, decency and morals in the community which it serves. Toward that end, Tenant shall not sell, distribute, display or offer for sale any item which, in Landlord’s judgment, is inconsistent with the quality of operation of the Building or may tend to impose or detract from the moral character or image of the Building. Tenant shall not use the Premises for any immoral or illegal purpose.
  19. Tenant shall not use, occupy or permit any portion of the Premises to be used or occupied for the storage, manufacture, or sale of liquor.
  20. Tenant shall purchase or contract for waxing, rug shampooing, Venetian blind washing, interior glass washing, furniture polishing, janitorial work, removal of any garbage from any dining or eating facility or for towel service in the Premises, only from contractors, companies or persons approved by Landlord.
  21. Tenant shall not remove, alter or replace the ceiling light diffusers, ceiling tiles or air diffusers in any portion of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord.
  22. Tenant shall not in any manner deface any part of the Premises or the Building. No stringing of wires, boring or cutting shall be permitted except with Landlord's prior written consent. Any floor covering installed by Tenant shall have an under layer of felt rubber, or similar sound deadening substance, which shall not be affixed to the floor by cement or any other non-soluble adhesive materials.
  23. Each Tenant shall handle its newspapers and "office paper" in the manner required by the District of Columbia Recycling Act (as the same may be amended from time to time) and shall conform with any recycling plan instituted by Landlord.
  24. Tenant shall not bring or keep, or permit to be brought or kept, in the Building any weapon or flammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical or substance.
  25. Tenant shall comply with all workplace smoking Laws.

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